
I figured even without any actual content as for now, I can still write something about myself.

My interests are art, sewing/textiles, animals, history, video games and sometimes films.

Currently doing: A lot of weaving (for a scarf). Also building this page.


Color:  Pink, Red
Animals:  Elephants, Seals, Cats, Pigs but basically anything with a funny snoot
Food:  Sushi
Drink:  Boba?
Flower:  Peonies, Hibiscus (but I honestly can't decide. There's just too many)
Season:  Summer
Video Games:  Fallout: New Vegas. Disco Elysium. Loom (Yes, the 1990 point and click one).
Fruit:  Strawberries
Ice Cream flavor:  Cookie dough or mint chocolate chip